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Surcharge for acquisition of parts

It’s common knowledge at this point that purchasing materials has become a challenge world-wide. Be it delayed deliveries, massive surcharges, or both.

Despite our conservative inventory policies, even we slipped into this sort of situation. A micro-processor from NXP cannot be procured in time. We’ve already ordered this part back in 2020 and delivery has been confirmed for March of this year by the supplier. Unfortunately, this date was not kept.

We’ve had reserves, letting us continue production until early August, but according to recent information, we will not receive more of these chips until mid-2022.

Thanks to good business contacts, we were able to secure some remaining stock at horrible prices. This bought us time, during which we will try to use different parts wherever possible. Those, too, are unfortunately barely in stock and we have no clear delivery dates for them.

Logically, we’ll have to use these parts sparingly. Therefore, we have to ask you to fall back on alternatives wherever possible. For every product that is ordered regardless, we have to add a surcharge of 14 Euros for this chip, effective immediately.

Affected devices are:

  • 01/FTS-DL (all variants)
    • Sensor packs EZ4-50 and EZ5-85 with a CAN-EZ3 are an equal alternative
  • 01/TDI5-DL (alternatives: 01/CAN-IO/45, 01/UVR610K-OD, 01/RSM610)
  • 01/AI5-DL (alternatives: 01/CAN-IO/45, 01/UVR610K-OD, 01/RSM610)
  • 01/AO4-DL (alternatives: 01/CAN-IO/45, 01/UVR610K-OD, 01/RSM610)
  • 01/DPS23-DL (all variants)
  • 01/GDS-DL
  • 01/IK22
  • 01/IS-DL
  • 01/LAMBDA-DL
  • 01/LDIM5-DL
  • 01/LST2X2D-DL, 01/LST3X13-DL, 01/LST6X13-DL
  • 01/NME5-DL
  • 01/RFS-DL
    • Update (2021-11-10):
      due to component changes, the RFS-DL is no longer affected by this surcharge
  • 01/RFSE-DL
    • RAS+DL is a possible alternative in some cases
  • 01/SMS14
  • 01/UMV4-DL
  • 01/UVR67-GT (double surcharge, as two RFS-DL are included)
    • Update (2021-11-10):
      due to component changes in the RFS-DL, the UVR67-GT is no longer affected by this surcharge
  • 01/WMZ-SET (FTS-DL included, all variants)
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