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Micro local heat network

Chiemsee-Solar produces heat and power in an office building in Bernau. These are used in the office building, as well as the CEO’s home. Heat is also transferred to the residential units of his two brothers. The power produced also supplies a commercially used electric car.

Regler UVR1611 auf Wand montiert
Universalregler UVR16x2 in der Konsolenvariante
Regler UVR1611 auf Wand montiert
Universalregler UVR16x2 in der Konsolenvariante
Technikraum mit Besitzer im Vordergrund
Die Haustechnikzentrale im Bürogebäude mit 2000 Liter Pufferspeicher, BHKW und Wärmeverteilung.
Technikraum mit Besitzer im Vordergrund
Die Haustechnikzentrale im Bürogebäude mit 2000 Liter Pufferspeicher, BHKW und Wärmeverteilung.
Ladestation für Elektro-Auto
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Ladestation für Elektro-Auto
Der Citroen Berlingo wird meist mit selbst erzeugtem Strom geladen.
Firmengebäude mit Firmenbus im Vordergrund
Der Sitz von Chiemsee-Solar in Bernau
Firmengebäude mit Firmenbus im Vordergrund
Der Sitz von Chiemsee-Solar in Bernau

In the two residential buildings, solar systems heat up the local 700-liter cylinder. If the solar panels can’t cover the demand in head (DHW and heating), the 2000-liter cylinder in the heating plant is used to recharge. Additionally, the supply in space heating can be supported by the log burning oven.

The cylinder in the office building is primarily heated up by the cogeneration plant. The by-product of electric power is used as power supply for the office, one of the two residential buildings and to charge the electric car.

If the electric car is connected to the charging unit, the controller checks whether or not the cylinder can take on any heat. If this is the case, the cogeneration plant is started up and the electric car is charge with power from cheap in-house production.

With outside temperatures below -5°C, the cogeneration plant alone cannot cover the demand in heat. A pellet boiler is added to compensate any shortages.


Energy generation

  • 1 Cogeneration plant with 15KW of thermal performance and 5,5KW of electric performance
  • 1 PV-system (maximum feed-in rate)
  • 2 thermal solar systems
  • 2 log burning ovens/tiled fireplaces
  • 1 log burning oven with water-chamber
  • 1 electric heating rod for emergency operation


  • 2 Residential buildings, total of 8 inhabitants
  • 1 Office building
  • 1 Electric car

Heat accumulation

  • 2000-liter cylinder in the heating plant
  • 700-liter cylinder in each residential building
  • DHW station for domestic hot water
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