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District heating Alfhausen

Rasche und Weßler GmbH has set itself the task of providing a municipal, climate-neutral heat supply and has created a positive example with the Alfhausen district heating system, which has already been recognised as a lighthouse project.

The two managing directors of Rasche und Weßler GmbH from Alfhausen developed the concept of local district heating for their community and worked to realise the idea. This gave both residents and municipal facilities the opportunity to become independent of fossil fuels and switch to a more climate-friendly heat supply within a very short space of time. Of the almost 900 households, more than 460 are now connected - and the customers are consistently enthusiastic. As many interested parties are still waiting for a district heating connection, a second power plant is to be added in the near future in order to open up further areas outside the town centre.

A biomethane-fuelled CHP unit generates electricity and heat in the power plant, with 4600 kW of electrical and 5000 kW of thermal output available. All of the electricity is fed into the grid and the heat is temporarily stored in a 2400 m³ buffer before it reaches the customer via the approximately 24 kilometre ‘long’ district heating network.

The district heating supply requires reliable control at the customer's premises. For this, the company opted for TA products, which provide the perfect basis, explains Andreas Rasche: ‘We decided in favour of the Technical Alternative solution due to the cost efficiency offered and the necessary interfaces.’

For the transfer stations, the UVR610S without display is combined with the CAN-MTx2 in order to be able to display a user-friendly visualisation. The innovative networking of all controllers was then realised with an R&W in-house development based on narrowband radio. This enables continuous monitoring and evaluation of all relevant network parameters. "We have thus created an easy-to-use display for our customers and a control system for us that can be called up remotely with all the data it records," says Ralf Wessler, justifiably satisfied. More than 10 million kilowatt hours of heat energy are controlled by the freely programmable x2 series controllers in the district heating network every year.

Following its successful use in the "District heating Alfhausen" project, Rasche und Weßler GmbH now also offers the district heating controller for projects with external companies or operators of a district heating network.


Der NDR war bereits im Jänner für einen TV Beitrag zur Fernwärme Alfhausen vor Ort.

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  • 460 UVR610S-OD
  • 460 CAN-MTx2

District heating

  • 24 km District heating networ
  • with more than 460 households as well as commercial and municipal customers

Power station

  • CHP with
    • 4600 kW electrical and
    • 5000 kW thermal output
  • 2400 m³ buffer storage tank

This project was realised by:

Rasche und Weßler GmbH
Heeker Straße 9
D-49594 Alfhausen

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