Heating and cooling
Heating and cooling of a production facility
A single room regulation system, split into 7 zones, has been realized in the production area of the Gebauer company, which can heat up or cool down each zone individually.
Warmth and cold are produced and supplied using heat pumps, geothermal probes and waste heat recovery systems. This results in a pure cooling circuit, which supplies the cooling convectors. As needed, two cooling/heating circuits supply radiators or ceiling-mounted radiant panels in the production areas.
- 1 Universal controller UVR16x2
- 3 Control modules RSM610
- 1 C.M.I for remote control and datalogging
Energy generation
- Heat pump
- Geothermal probe
- Waste heat recovery system
- 1 Production facility with 7 zone single room regulation
- 1 cooling circuit with cooling convectors
- 2 Heating/cooling circuits with radiators and ceiling-mounted radiant panels
This project was realized by:
Martin Schrade Techno Consult
Rechbergstraße 4
71263 Weil der Stadt, Deutschland