Prioritizing the sun
Climate-neutral heating
Two solar thermal systems provide sufficient warmth for currently around 100 apartments from early spring up until mid-autumn.
Excess energy from solar thermal systems in warmer months can be exchanged between buildings with a local heating network or charged into a ground storage system, the latter of which serves as a source of energy for a brine-to-water heat pump in the cold season.
Should all storage options be at capacity, there’s technically still the option to feed excess heat into the heat district system. The x2 controllers are responsible for heat recovery of the ventilation system, the storage and distribution of heat and the requesting of heat pumps in accordance with demand.
Connected to the city's guidance systems
On top of that, 192 values (such as M-Bus meter readings) are constantly monitored and transmitted to the city’s guidance systems.
- 3 UVR16x2, (UVR16x2S, UVR16x2S-DC and UVR16x2S-DE)
- 1 RSM610
- 3 CAN-BC2 with Modbus Module
- Sensory equipment
- 2x solar thermal systems
- 1x PV system
- 3x brine-water heat pumps
- Local and district heating to cover peak loads
- Heat recovery from the ventilation system
- 1 heating circuit
- Fresh water stations in the apartements
- 1 local heating network
- 1 district heating network
- 3 Earth storages as energy source for the heat pumps
- 1 brine storage tank
- 2 buffer storage tanks (1x heating, 1x DHW)
Realised by:
DHT - Digitale Haustechnik GmbH
David Hein
Ruhlsdorfer Straße 89a
14513 Teltow