Real Plug & Play
Power to Heat
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ATON - Power to Heat

CAN energy meter with Modbus RTU interface and S0 impulses, included in Set ATON+
Immersion heater – 3000 W variable control
Immersion heater – 3000 W variable control
ATON Energiezähler
CAN energy meter incl. in Set ATON
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ATON - Power to Heat

Icon Energy management, Power-to-Heat

ATON is a set for usage of excess PV energy. The immersion heater features stepless control from 50 W to 3 kW. The set also features an energy meter that detects if and how much excess power is available and tells the immersion heater how much power it should use.  Communication via CORA (wired or wireless).

ATON+ comes with the same functionalities as the standard version of “ATON”, although its energy meter features an additional Modbus RTU interface, S0 pulse output and four sensory inputs.

Icon x2techIcon CORA-FIcon CORA-DLIcon DL-masterIcon Interfaces
Price group 2

Inputs CAN energy meter

  • no inputs

Outputs CAN energy meter

  • no outputs

Interfaces CAN energy meter

  • CORA-F (wireless)
  • CORA-DL (wired)
  • CAN bus, DL bus
  • Micro SD card slot

Inputs CAN energy meter

  • 4 analogue inputs
  • 2 slots for direct connection of FTS-sensors or 2 impulse inputs

Outputs CAN energy meter

  • 1 S0-impulses

Interfaces CAN energy meter

  • CORA-F (wireless)
  • CORA-DL (wired)
  • CAN bus, DL bus
  • Micro SD card slot
  • Modbus RTU

    Inputs CAN energy meter (ATON+ only)

    • 4 analogue inputs
    • 2 slots for direct connection of FTS-sensors or 2 impulse inputs

    Outputs CAN energy meter (ATON+ only)

    • 1 S0-impulses

    Interfaces energy meter:

    • CAN bus, DL bus
    • CORA-F (wireless)
    • CORA-DL (wired)
    • Micro SD card slot
    • Modbus RTU (ATON+)

    Inputs (EHS-R):

    • 2 sensor inputs PT1000
    • 1 PWM input 0-100% if not CORA controlled

    Interfaces (EHS-R):

    • CORA-F (wireless)
    • CORA-DL (wired)

    Scope of delivery:

    • Immersion heater EHS-R 3kW (screw thread 1 1/2")
    • DHW tank sensor BFPT1000
    • energy meter CAN-EZ3A
    • 3 current sensors (50 A, the CAN-EZ3 can measure 3x 10 kVA)
    • external radio antenna
    • Micro-SD card (ATON+ only)

    Dimensions CAN-EZ3A (W x H): 106 x 91 mm (6 division units)


    The TAPPS2 programming and planning software enables the creation of a logic diagram and the parameterisation of all x2 units (and the UVR1611).


    Two methods of installation are supported:

    • Debian package (.deb) (e.g., Debian, Ubuntu, Mint)
    • RPM package (.rpm) (e.g., Fedora, openSUSE, Mageia)

    For both methods, a menu entry is added to GNOME or the KDE menu, with which the program can be launched. Root authorization is required for installation.

    Debian package

    The package can be installed simply by double clicking it in the file manager. If this is not possible, the installation can be done using the command line program dpkg in a terminal window:

    dpkg -i tapps2-1.12-amd64.deb

    Root authorization is required for the installation. For this, either simply enter su before executing the command, followed by the respective password query, or prefix the command sudo and enter the password when queried.

    RPM package

    The package can be installed simply by double clicking it in the file manager. If this is not possible, the installation can be done using the command line program rpm in a terminal window:

    rpm -i tapps2-1.12-x86_64.rpm

    To update the program (when an older version is already installed), -u should be use instead of -i.

    Root authorization is required for the installation. For this, either simply enter su before executing the command, followed by the respective password query, or prefix the command sudo and enter the password when queried.


    End users operate the system via simple user interfaces. With the TA-Designer, you can create these interfaces to suit your project.


    Two installation methods for Linux are supported:

    • Debian package (.deb) (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Mint)
    • RPM package (.rpm) (e.g. Fedora, openSUSE, Mageia)

    Both methods add a menu entry to the GNOME or KDE menu with which the programme can be started. For the installation root permissions are required.

    Debian package

    The package can basically be installed simply by double-clicking it in the file manager. If this is not possible, the installation can be done with the command line programme dpkg in a terminal window:

    dpkg -i ta-designer-1.26-amd64.deb

    For the installation, root permissions are required. To do this, either enter su before executing the command, followed by the corresponding password prompt, or precede the command with sudo and enter the password when prompted.

    RPM package

    In principle, the package can be installed simply by double-clicking on it in the file manager. If this is not possible, the installation can be done with the command line programme rpm in a terminal window:

    rpm -i ta-designer-1.26-x86_64.rpm

    To update the programme (an older version is already installed), -U should be used instead of -i.

    For the installation, root permissions are required. To do this, either enter su before executing the command, followed by the corresponding password prompt, or precede the command with sudo and enter the password when prompted.


    Winsol enables the recording and evaluation of the data recorded by the data logger (C.M.I., BL-NET or D-LOGG).

    Attention: The firmware of the datalogger might have to be updated to use it with the current version of Winsol!

    Supported dataloggers:

    • C.M.I. - version 1.25 and above
    • BL-NET - version 2.17 and above
    • D-LOGG /BL232 - version 2.9 or above


    Three methods of installation for Linux are supported:

    • Debian package (.deb) (e.g., Debian, Ubuntu, Mint)
    • RPM package (.rpm) (e.g., Fedora, openSUSE, Mageia)
    • Raspberry Pi (.deb) version 3 and above

    A menu entry is added to GNOME or the KDE menu, with which the program can be launched. Root authorization is required for installation.

    Debian package

    The package can be installed simply by double clicking it in the file manager. If this is not possible, the installation can be done using the command line program dpkg in a terminal window:

    dpkg -i tapps2-1.12-amd64.deb

    Root authorization is required for the installation. For this, either simply enter su before executing the command, followed by the respective password query, or prefix the command sudo and enter the password when queried.

    Note: When using Ubuntu 18.04, the package "libcurl4" might need to be installed to execute Winsol (sudo apt-get install libcurl4).

    RPM package

    The package can be installed simply by double clicking it in the file manager. If this is not possible, the installation can be done using the command line program rpm in a terminal window:

    rpm -i tapps2-1.12-x86_64.rpm

    To update the program (when an older version is already installed), -u should be use instead of -i.

    Root authorization is required for the installation. For this, either simply enter su before executing the command, followed by the respective password query, or prefix the command sudo and enter the password when queried.

    Raspberry Pi package

    The package can be installed simply by double clicking it in the file manager. If this is not possible, the installation can be done using the command line program dpkg in a terminal window:

    dpkg -i winsol-2.21-armhf.deb

    Root authorization is required for the installation. For this, prefix the command sudo and enter the password when queried.

    B2B Sales

    Professionals can order by e-mail, stating their customer number.

    EPLAN Data Portal

    Do not use in fresh water tanks

    We expressly advise against using our heating rods in drinking water storage tanks!

    The heating rod is intended for installation in buffer storage tanks in which heating water is circulating. Due to galvanic reactivity, the immersion heaters are not suitable for installation in DHW cylinders. Install in such cylinders at own risk. This requires specific, standardized measures and frequent inspection (e.g., of the sacrificial anode).

    We do not offer any guarantee or warranty in case of calcification and galvanic corrosion!

    read more


    • Programmed and coupled ex works
    • Expandable for CAN bus (controller, input/output expansion, CMI for remote access and visualisation) and DL bus (e.g., output controller)
    • Freely programmable (using free software TAPPS2)
    • Wireless range of ~1km in the open / through 2 reinforced steel floors or walls
    • TAB compliant
    • Expandable up to 12 immersion heaters


    • Adjustable (de)activation threshold (factory settings: 200 W)
    • Adjustable forced operation at certain times, independent of excess power (minimum temperatures)
    • Data logging to micro-SD card (not included) or via CMI (CAN bus extension module)
    • Visualisation for browser or mobile app available for CMI (CAN bus extension module)

    The intelligent ATON immersion heater has a sinusoiadl power intake, which helps prevent phase shifts and grid feedback to comply with the TAB standard many grid operators employ.

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